
Rudolf Geir

It has been painted chests
video length:
Ruth Deutschmann
Benjamin Epp
copyright location:
date of recording:
Previously there had been a servant on the one pasture and on the second the second servant, as are their children were not a few, and always a maid has been and the little maid almost everywhere, and there have to Candlemas the servants always the box .. the chests one has had the painted chests. The man has brought, or to the farmer led, where the maid has executed married, or where it is executed. Every year they traded for the new stay. If it did fit, they have remained, or they just walked away to another farmer. And the devices are with .. Since I've been known later - the chests are impractical, because only the lid is opened to -. .. Then I always have to make commodes, chests of drawers with three drawers. They have then fitted better. When the chests you've had all the clothes over each other. .. So chests with drawers below even better .. but all drawn, painted the date up with the Jesus who has been on it. Hmm.